Some supplications that are not in accordance with Shari`ah


Fatwa no. 21029 All praise be to Allah Alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Last Prophet. To commence:The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' has read the inquiry submitted to His Eminence the Grand Mufty by `Abdullah ibn Sarhid Al-Fadda`, Head of Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) at the Saudi district of Ha'il. Referred to Council of Senior Scholars under the number 3277 on 18 / 6 / 1420 A.H, the inquiry provides:Some Ayahs (verses) of the Qur'an, formulas of Du`a' (supplication) and talismans are found written on some papers under the title (The greatest protection by Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim `Abdul Ba`ith). These papers are being circulated at hospitals and other places among many different classes of non-Saudis. (Part No. 24; Page No. 279) We hope that Your Eminence will kindly clarify the creedal contradictions contained in these papers so that we may be able to warn people of the threat they pose to the `Aqidah (creed) of a Muslim.

After a close study of the inquiry, the Committee gave the following reply: After a close examination of the papers in question, it has become clear that they contain many statements that contradict the Shari`ah of Islam. Accordingly, these papers are not acknowledged and it is forbidden to distribute them to people because of the Bid`ahs (innovations in religion) and strange statements contained in them like:The author's saying: "Then you say that (i.e. Du`a') in a voice a little lower than when you recite the Qur'an." There is no evidence in the Shari`ah that requires lowering one's voice to such a degree.The author also makes Isti`adhah (seeking refuge with Allah) from the evil creatures and from the red blowing wind. There is no such evidence that specifies the type of wind which one seeks Allah (Exalted be He) to protect him from. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have made Isti`adhah from the wind in general.While making Isti`adhah from the evil of darkness the author seeks the help of the ring of Sulayman (Prophet Solomon). It is an act of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) to seek refuge with created things.The author also invents a Du`a' in which the Ayah "Ha-Mim" is repeated seven times, and "Ha-Mim `Ayn Sin Qaf they will be defeated" seven times. There is no proof to support saying this formula of Du`a'.The author also says: "The shade of Allah's Throne hangs down on us." This is an outright Bid`ah. It would be correct to say: "The Shade of Allah hangs down on us." (Part No. 24; Page No. 280) The author also fabricates another Du`a': "Allah encompasses them from behind. Nay, it is a glorious Qur'an inscribed in Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz (The Preserved Tablet)" (to be said seven times). O Gharah! Speed on to help us overcome our difficulties." This is an act of major Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship).The author also says: "Bismillah (in the Name of Allah) is our gateway, Tabaraka Allah (Blessed be Allah) is our protecting wall, Ya-Sin is our protecting ceiling, Kaf Ha Ya `Ayn Sad is sufficient for us, Ha-Mim `Ayn Sin Qaf is our protection." This is a form of fabricated Du`a'.The author's saying: "We are guarded by Allah and His Messenger" is considered a form of Shirk as he makes the Prophet (peace be upon him) equal to Allah (Exalted be He). The same also holds true regarding such statements as "Allah and the Prophet are sufficient for us" and "We attain our glory from Allah (Exalted be He) and our glorious victory from the Prophet."The author's saying: "Ihmi hamitan itmi tamithan" sounds like a sort of spell which constitutes a form of Shirk.The statement: "Raise the canopy of Your Throne over us" is Bid`ah.The statement: "I entreat You by the dignified status of Your chosen Prophet" is a form of prohibited Tawassul (seeking to draw close to Allah through unlawful means).The statement: "You protect those who are unworthy of protection due to their being related to the virtuous and elect of Your servants. You said: "And of the devils were those who dived for him and did work other than that. And We were of them a guardian." We are more worthy of Your protection as we are related to the most beloved and elect Prophet whom You addressed saying: "But Allah would not punish them while you, [O Muhammad], are among them....""The concluding words of the papers include the benefits gained through (Part No. 24; Page No. 281) reciting these Adhkar which lack substantiating evidence from the Qur'an or Sunnah (whatever reported from the Sunnah). The author's purpose is to make people inclined towards distributing these Adhkar among people. Accordingly, it is obligatory to prevent the distribution of these and other similar papers which are meant to change and alter the monotheistic faith of Islam and follow misguidance, Bid`ahs and superstitions.It is obligatory to eradicate these papers and to punish the promoters of their distribution in order to safeguard the pure monotheistic faith from all sorts of blemish and to protect the Muslims from holding misguiding conceptions about their `Aqidah (creed).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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